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Attracting, Recruiting and Retaining Superstars Strategies for School Leaders

Competition for Superstar teachers has never been hotter! In today’s educational landscape, school leaders face the dual challenge of not only attracting and recruiting top-tier teaching talent but also retaining these educators, particularly those with leadership aspirations. As the educational environment evolves, so too must the strategies used to build and maintain a strong teaching staff. It’s important to position your school as an employer of choice.

Here are some key tips for school principals looking to excel in these areas:

1. Focus on Building a Positive School Culture
A positive school culture is one of the most powerful tools in attracting new teachers. Leaders should work to create an environment that emphasises support, collaboration, respect and continuous professional development. Your school’s reputation is paramount. What would your school staff say at a BBQ with their friends, when asked, “What’s your school like to work at?”

If your current staff wouldn’t recommend the school to others, it is vital to get your own house in order first. Find out what frustrates your staff or gets in the way of having a good day at school. Fix whatever you can and acknowledge that you have heard the rest and are working on them.

2. Provide Clear Pathways to Leadership
Teachers with leadership aspirations are more likely to stay if they see clear opportunities for career growth within the school. Principals should establish and communicate pathways to leadership, offering mentoring, leadership training programs and opportunities to lead projects or initiatives. Regularly discussing career goals with teachers can help align their aspirations with the school’s development plans. It is interesting to see the respective systems of Catholic, independent and government schools all recognizing the importance of this strategy as they compete for the same talent pool.

3. Support Professional Development
High quality professional development that is relevant and meeting the needs of staff is an important key to teacher satisfaction and retention. By providing ample professional development opportunities, such as workshops, conference and in-house training sessions, principals can help teachers feel supported in their career growth. Encourage teachers to pursue specialized training or certifications that align with their interests and the needs of the school.

4. Prioritise Work-Life Balance
Burnout is a significant issue in the teaching profession. Principals should actively promote a healthy work-life balance by minimising unnecessary administrative burdens, streamlining processes, providing administrative support where possible and encouraging teachers to set boundaries. It is also important that leaders are good role models by not sending emails after hours or working ridiculous hours.

5. Recognize and Reward Excellence
Regularly recognising and rewarding teachers for their hard work and achievements fosters a sense of appreciation and loyalty. This can be done through formal awards, informal events such as morning teas or shared lunches, public acknowledgment in staff meetings or even simple gestures like personalized notes of thanks. Leaders should ensure that teachers feel valued for their contributions, both in the classroom and beyond.

The Five Languages of Love also apply to appreciation in the workplace. Just as different people have preferred modes for communicating their love to their partner, staff have preferred modes in which they would like to receive appreciation from leaders in their school. Providing the appreciation in their preferred mode makes it more powerful.

  • Words of affirmation (some like you to say it privately, others publicly)
  • Taking time with them and valuing them as a person (eg morning tea)
  • Acts of service – doing something that helps them get through their day (eg covering a playground duty)
  • Small gifts – a thoughtful coffee, a magazine that reflects their hobby
  • Physical touch (tread carefully here, whilst some would welcome a pat on the back I would tread carefully as it can be hard to read if your approach is welcome or likely to lead to a grievance being ledged against you)

By implementing these strategies, school principals can not only attract and recruit outstanding teachers but also retain them, particularly those who aspire to grow into leadership roles. A well-supported and motivated teaching staff is the cornerstone of a thriving school community.

PS We are proud that leaders from schools who are members of our Happy School program will this year send over 30 000 personal postcards to their staff.

PPS The investment in adding a postage stamp and sending it snail mail magnifies the impact of the positive message tenfold!
